Saturday, August 22, 2009

No Obamacare

It is obvious that the attempt by the far left to completely re-invent the health care system so as to be controlled and run by the government will fail. The proposals that would create a monstrous new government bureaucracy are too expensive, too complicated and too disruptive to succeed and the American people know it.
The debate with the radical left must cease.
We need our government to help create a fair marketplace that will afford opportunities for health care for all Americans. We need government money to expand high risk pools so those with pre- existing conditions will be protected. we need government regulations so Americans who change jobs don't loose their health care. We need to help small businesses and develop affordable individual policies. We may even need government oversight of insurance company profits. We need tort reform ( amazingly absent from all current proposals ).
The problems of providing health care to those Americans who can not afford it can be solved without the creation of an immense government infrastructure as proposed by Obamacare. The disastrous proposal in Congress is more about an attempt by the radical left to insinuate their agenda of big government social engineering on the American people than reforming health care. As our national debt moves at a terrifying speed toward ten trillion dollars any attempt to impose more debt based government is doomed.
Any dialogue with the far left, whom by misrepresentation and abetted by the incompetence of the Bush administration, have a noisy but disproportionate voice in the Democratic Party is a waste of precious time. Obamacare is a monumental failure and is deservedly stillborn.
The shrill voices, in the words of Paul Krugman, who espouse the " virtures of big government " should be returned to their elite ivy covered ivory towers so we can get on with the business of solving the health care problem, creating jobs in the private sector, reducing our debt and bringing our forces home as quickly as we safely can.
Americans understand that we must limit our debt and avoid the wholesale devaluation of our currency to avoid leaving our children a very different country.
-- Posted by coydog on Sat, Aug 22, 2009, 11:18 am EST

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